
Large Movement Joint Replacement in Cantilever Bridge SFP-320 Expansion joint

We sent all details to BASF Wabo Germany for the replacement of the Modular expansion joint. Wabo Germany gave us a Special design along with a design calculation for a new finger-type expansion joint and suggested that the existing modular technology being used at Jhelum bridge is obsolete. In order to install new modular expansion joint, it requires excessive breakage of the existing deck slab, which was not recommended by the designer and by ourselves.

When the design of Wabo Germany was approved they suggested we contact their China Subsidiary Jiangsu Wanbao. We requested Jiangsu Wanbao bridge component company China and they arranged an offer. Jiangsu Wanbao China also submitted a design calculation along with 10 years working life warranty, which is approved by consultant ACC.

Q 2) What is Special With Jiangus Wanbao Bridge component Company China Expansion Joint as Compared with other Manufacturers?
Ans: Jiangsu Wanbao Bridge component company China is a subsidiary of BASF Wabo Germany. Who manufactures expansion joints under license with Wabo Germany? Whereas other vendors can manufacture an only copy of Wabo Germany expansion joints and we are not sure about the quality. The 4 feet gap expansion joint is a very sensitive issue. God forbids if there is any problem in the material then collateral damages would be very very high. We can only depend upon authentic manufacturers, that’s why Wanbao China is selected although it seems expensive it is justified. We have tested Jiangsu Wanbao product in Paneand Bridge and are quite satisfied with its quality. Jiangsu Wanbao China will look after the installation of Expansion joints through their certified engineer and whose cost is also included in the price of expansion joints.

Q 3) How did you confirm the warranty and guarantee of expansion joints?
Ans: In Pakistan N4business/Tex Plus Trading is a working representative of Wanbao China. The authority letter is attached for reference. N4B/TPT is working in Pakistan for Interbuna S.L. Spain and for Etic France for the last 12 years. They have completed more than 90 projects in Pakistan and have a very authentic and reliable working history in Pakistan. They have already worked on seven projects of FWO and are continually working on the Swat motorway, Lahore-Sialkot motorway, and M-2 rehabilitation. We are attaching herewith N4B/ TPT completed projects list for your study. The local representative will provide a warranty of the expansion joint on behalf of Wanbao China. N4B/TPT has already installed the same SFP-180 joint of Wanbao China on the Paneand bridge and is providing continuously after-sale services.

Q 4) How did you justify the price of jiangus Wanbao Bridge Component Company china as compared with other vendors?
Ans: When we will send our design to any Chinese company, they will offer us a cheap and less price solution which may be half the Wanbao price, but these vendors have no credibility and their guarantee has no authenticity because they will get their money before dispatch and what do they dispatch is not knowing. If we thoroughly check the prices break up including all overheads like Product price, Freight, Customs duty, and Dollar conversion rate of 155 Rs/Usd we will know that the prices offered by Wanbao China are justified. In comparison to Wanbao, fewer price vendors will attract us by offering fewer price offers but after receiving 100% payment in advance or before the dispatch of material no one is responsible. When we find any problem with their product, they usually deny the information and acclaim that the concerned person has left the job. In our case, Wabo Germany is responsible for the quality and design.

Q 5) Give us a break on expansion joint price, custom Duty, and freight?
Below is complete cost analyses and breaks up of SFP-320 expansion joint import. For getting FREE PROPOSAL.

Conclusion: Keeping in view all the above factors including designing of Wabo Germany, manufacturing under license of Wabo Germany, provision of 10 years life warranty, installation through manufacturer engineer and authentic credibility of local representative we cannot match the price offer of Jiangsu Wanbao with any other Google searched manufacturer of China.